David G. Horsman
3 min readMar 19, 2021


What Year is it?


Me buttons were broke. Teasing the abstraction.

Early on this app broke how the run control buttons link up across forms. I implemented in state grid view controls and so I took a few days to rationalize them and the run control a bit more. It needs work despite my playing around with it and what to pass to the console. More accurately the ideal call extracts the form and console from the sender but has specific (constrained) instructions on how to behave. Lots of fun.

Framework news.

The idea allows simple objects up to standardized application objects linked to the console and extended clipboard. Both need to be COM objects or even Restful but that’s both low priority and easy enough. I would say no despite their being enjoyable.

When I said this is a framework, I should have said it’s a framework for an ETL (& code conversion) utilities library. That was my use case anyways. Most of its bloat is that much of the functionality is not needed in any given case in order to accommodate the most complex use case. Meh.

As a developer there were times when I would pause a conversion run set a few break points. It could enter debug on internal error as well however feature proved less useful than I expected oddly. I digress.

As of this exact moment my Link Utility fires up the lazy goes into an endless loop trying to open the first file. If I recall correctly (always questionable) the field Table name is not set while every path and other extractable field is.

I notice that my idea of a taking a week of is to work obsessively on unimportant or speculative ideas. It’s all mad scientist stuff at the end of the day and of no significance to the great spaghetti thingy. So it’s all good as you can’t clearly see. Well, to be honest… that last dose kinda a triggered another memory wipe. That much I am sure of. Pharmaceuticals. You can’t beat ’em. They can beat you tho. That’s a fact. Strict protocols and micro-management against measurable metrics seems the key.

It’s a fascinating kind of thing. I just spent a day relearning code I was intimately familiar with. Having made 4 or 5 renaming and refactoring errors within the architecture. I was looking at something completely irrational in a key part of the code. In that context I had to quickly figure out if I had gone off the rails in the complexity or just hadn’t spent enough time on the “hand coding” / design stage. You see I code the design options because the code is the design as defined by data. Naturally. Well that’s what Mom told me.

Hmmm… that was days ago. I have been testing the Calculation thread objects. Nastly little things there.

// (202102) I am still wondering about

// using an extended form.

// (20210318) Lol. meaning mForm (used here) as a cut and paste

// base class of StdBaseRunFileConsole and antecedents.

// I am currently adding a (st.)ButtonsSet(ref…)

// they started (somehow) broken so I reworked them

// to reside in the object (st) that’s shared across

// classes. It needs to be available to the file object

// in addition to the messaging console.


